15-03 - Promoting Sleep IS Good Nursing Care


MARCH 2015

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MARCH 2015

MARCH 2015

GUEST: Marilyn Oelfke, RN, LNHA, Action Pact Consultant

How many of us like to sleep? Do you love not having to set your alarm? In your community, is sleep honored? There are SO many benefits to being well rested: better mood, less depression and anxiety, increased alertness, even fewer falls. When medication administration and night checks with residents happen according to residents' schedules, patterns and needs, there are many benefits. Open dining can accommodate various sleep patterns and by supporting people's natural sleep schedules, we honor individual circadian rhythms, which diminishes stress (what we used to call “behaviors”) for residents. We provide health care, yet deprive people of sleep -- one of the healthiest natural functions for body and mind. Sleep is an important component of quality of care and quality of life, which are not only great ideas but also federal requirements.

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