19-06 - Can Birds and Other Real Animals Improve People’s Lives More Than Meds?


JUNE 21, 2019

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JUNE 21, 2019

JUNE 21, 2019

GUEST: Brenda Hancock, NHA, Cheyenne Healthcare

Birds have been observed to “bring people back to life” by leaders in the culture change movement. Brenda Hancock is one of those who has seen positive outcomes and supported birds and other animals for residents. She has witnessed improvements that are often more significant than the outcomes of medications. In this show we’ll share the benefits of animals in general, birds in particular; how you can begin to pave the way for birds in your home and the nitty gritty details of caring for birds - including what can go wrong, while making the case for birds as companions. Let’s learn from Brenda and consider whether it’s time to set aside personal staff biases and add birds to the mix as we continue to move forward in supporting residents – their wishes, their choices, and their quality of life.

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