23-01 - Food = Love and Life, Health and Wellbeing = Compliance and Culture Change


January 17, 2023

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January 17, 2023

January 17, 2023


This is the first in the 2023 series, Back to the Future: Moving Dining Forward.

Hosted and presented by Carmen Bowman MHS, BSW, Regulator turned Educator.

With Registered Dietitian and Licensed Nursing Home Administrator: Linda Bump MPH, RD, Action Pact Consultant.

Price: 49.00 USD

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Link to recording will be sent to you within 24 hours.

From token to true choice, using regulations and standards to help people living in long-term care to eat what they want to eat, and to live the lives they want to live.

Come out of the pandemic better. Take advantage of this time and do it different. Learn how to shift your culture to honor each individual and get back to normal, to HOME, particularly in all things dining and vibrant daily living.

Each webinar will be framed by culture change practices, the Dining Practice Standards, leaning into CMS requirements and the Artifacts of Culture Change 2.0, the domains of wellbeing embedded in the CMS RoPs, and Kitwood’s basic human needs.

Topics and concepts will include:

  • Offer true choice, not token choice

  • Real foods not artificial

  • Nourishment for body and soul

  • Ability to get snacks without needing to ask

  • A normal dining experience

  • Open dining times instead of set

  • Regular diets instead of restricted

  • Delicious foods of a pureed consistency, replacing unpalatable

  • Varying cultural/ethnic preferences

  • Simple and daily pleasures

  • Involve residents in preparation of foods

All this and more will help your home comply with CMS requirements to honor choice, health and wellbeing. Culture change practices and the Dining Practice Standards have helped professionals to help residents eat foods they want to eat, to gain instead of lose weight, enjoy dining and vibrant life again and experience improvement in their quality of living.

Join us for each month's conversation guided by Linda Bump and Carmen Bowman.