With a Little Help from Our Friends


Creating Community as We Grow Older

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Creating Community as We Grow Older

Creating Community as We Grow Older

Experiments from across the country with new living arrangements that balance independence and community as one grows older.

In this book, an award-winning journalist tells the story of people devising innovative ways to live as they approach retirement, options that ensure they are surrounded by a circle of friends, family, and neighbors. Based on visits and interviews at many communities around the country, Beth Baker weaves a rich tapestry of grassroots alternatives, some of them surprisingly affordable.

Ms Baker is a long-time freelance writer whose work has appeared in the Washington Post, AARP Bulletin, Washingtonian, and Ms. Magazine, is the features editor of BioScience, the journal of the American Institute of Biological Sciences. Baker is the author of Old Age in a New Age: The Promise of Transformative Nursing Homes.

Beth Baker

Technical Specs
240 pages

Expert Reviews
"With a Little Help from Our Friends is timely and instructive. By weaving together stories about nine ways to think about community building, Beth Baker helps Boomers imagine alternatives as they prepare for living arrangements more permanent than Woodstock and less scary than where their (grand)parents ended up."

-W. Andrew Achenbaum, Deputy Director of the Consortium on Aging at the University of Texas Medical School

I Remember When
Old Age in a New Age
Sale Price:$21.95 Original Price:$24.95
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