Lots of Ideas for Getting Outdoors - an Artifact of Culture Change
Guest: Maggie Calkins, PhD, EDAC, Ideas Institute
Join us to grow your list of possibilities for getting people outdoors. We all know it is important but consider during this conversation taking a step into making it a priority for your culture. Getting outside benefits all of us. Do you ensure getting outdoors is on each person’s care plan?
This is a new Artifact of Culture Change along with the already existing artifacts of raised gardens and a walking/wheeling path. Don’t let your expensive courtyards or your vast grass lawns become wasted space. We’ve also learned we are all at lower risk of infection when spending time outdoors. Dine outside and hold meetings and other events in the great outdoors. Hear some of the insights from Dr. Calkins’ new white paper “Designing Gardens to Attract Activity: A primer for elder care communities”.