Vibrant Living for Men

This all-day workshop will explore options for helping men to live more vibrant and satisfying lives. We will discuss the current state of most activity programs, which are often heavily focused toward activities enjoyed by women. We will also identify the reasons activities and pastimes can’t just be left to Activity professionals anymore.  Everyone needs to be involved. This practice makes for an environment that opens the door for everyone in the organization to share their passions and interests. Relationships flourish and spontaneous things begin to happen. As men begin to rethink what they can and would like to do, they often find new purpose and meaning in their lives, and their once-vibrant spirits rise again.


  • 8:30 - Exploring the Current State of Activities

  • 10:00 - Break

  • 10:15 - High Involvement

    • How to Engage Everyone in the Organization

  • 11:45 - Lunch

  • 12:15 - Seeking Out Purpose and Meaning

  • 2:00 - Break

  • 2:15 - Action Planning and Wrap-up

  • 3:30 - Adjourn

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will be able to identify approaches that stimulate men’s interest in activities.

  • Participants will be able to list five different-sizes/types of groups to offer men in order to discover what sparks their interest.

  • Participants will be able to describe why discovering purpose can be the key to engaging men in vibrant lifestyles.

Continuing Education

The National Continuing Education Review Service (NCERS) of the National Association of Boards of Examiners of Long Term Care Administrators (NAB) has approved this program for 6 clock hours.


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