14-02 - The Validation® Method: A Tried and True Method of reducing Antipsychotics



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Guest: Naomi Feil, MSW, SCSW

Treat yourself to learning from developer Naomi Feil about the Validation® method, which provides a means for successfully communicating with persons with dementia -- something desperately needed by them, their caregivers and family members. Validation replaces the outmoded and person-devaluing methods of sympathy, redirection, diversion, reality orientation, and the therapeutic lie. Validation teaches how to “exquisitely listen,” empathize, “move into” the disoriented person’s world and validate feelings. Using Validation boosts self-esteem, builds trust and rapport and often assists the person to no longer need to resort to the past by creating a warm and welcoming present. Naomi will also touch on the valuable tool of Validation groups in which members not only “rise to the occasion” of their individual roles, but their intuitive wisdom often spills out to help one another.

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