14-06 - Highest Practicable Level of Well-being is required by Regulation


JUNE 2014

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JUNE 2014

JUNE 2014

GUEST: LaVrene Norton, MSW, Action Pact Founder and Executive Leader

Carmen Bowman, Edu-Catering, Regulator turned Educator, Hostess of Conversations with Carmen

LaVrene Norton was one of the leaders of the culture change movement who identified the seven essential domains of well-being in 2002. Together LaVrene and hostess Carmen Bowman will “take it up a notch” by showing how CMS nursing home regulations require that the highest practicable level of well-being be maintained or attained for each person and how the domains of growth, comfort, security, identity, autonomy, connectedness, meaning and joy are not only what really matter to people but are also embedded in regulatory requirements.

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