15-04 - Alarms: The New Deficient Practice? Eliminating Alarms and Preventing Falls by Engaging with Life


APRIL 2015

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APRIL 2015

APRIL 2015

GUEST: Carmen Bowman, co-author of new book with same title published by Action Pact

SPECIAL GUEST HOST: Glenn Blacklock, LNHA, Action Pact Consultant

Alarms – an idea whose time has come and gone. We’ll demonstrate that alarm use is now deficient practice at seven regulatory requirements. Although no research shows that alarms prevent falls, and there is evidence that alarms cause people physical and psychological harm, they are still widely used. Eliminating alarms has actually reduced falls in the homes that have done so, but what else have they done to reduce falls? Employ your creativity as we design ways to engage each individual with life according to his/her daily routine, personal preferences and ability. The results may astonish you. Eliminate alarms and prevent falls with new approaches. Based on the recent book of the same title, co-authored by our presenter and published by Action Pact.

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