16-02 - Facing Risk: Care Planning for Resident Choice



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GUEST: Karen Schoeneman, Retired Deputy Director CMS Division of Nursing Homes

Are you holding back on offering true choice to residents, even though you want to - for fear of deficiencies being cited, possible legal action or other negative outcomes? We challenge you to think again. It is possible to hone our skills in order to honor resident choice.

Everyone deserves the right to:

  • Eat food that might be considered a choking risk

  • Go outside when one wants to

  • Decline "alarming" alarms, etc.

Karen Schoeneman, a member of the steering committee of the Rothschild Person-Centered Care Planning Task Force, will teach the six steps of the new "Care Planning for Resident Choice" process, as well as the CMS requirements that mandate homes to honor resident choice.

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