16-07 - What Kind of Culture Does Your Language Create?


JULY 22, 2016

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JULY 22, 2016

JULY 22, 2016

PRESENTER: Host Carmen Bowman

It is not news that the language of institutional care could use some work. Even CMS notes a needed language change by encouraging the elimination of labels such as “feeder” in its interpretive guidance for Tag F241 Dignity. Do these institutional words still abide in your culture? Facility, beds, frontline, work the floor, toileting, non-compliant, behaviors, difficult, activities, dietary, resident, elope, expire? Have you personally and community-wide adopted language that is softer, more normal, dignified? The best news? Changing language costs no money. Yes, changing language is a no-cost practice that does wonders to shift from an institutional culture to a home/natural/normal culture instead. Join us to learn more about the unintended consequences of traditional institutional language; word replacements to consider; and ideas on how to change language. Join our host Carmen Bowman as she shares from the paper she co-authored The Power of Language to Create Culture.

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