16-08 - Inspiring Environments for Mobility


AUGUST 23, 2016

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AUGUST 23, 2016

AUGUST 23, 2016

GUEST: Lorraine Hiatt, PhD

Environmental Gerontologist, Planning, Research and Design for Aging

With a flair for design for aging, environmental gerontologist Lorianne Hiatt will get us focused on what mobility is and why it matters to older adults. She will share best practice in assessment of individual mobility as well as of one’s life space with inclusion of direct care givers/partners and the resident him/herself. Be challenged to be creative in using whatever exists in your environment as well as new ideas to encourage movement every day. Learn considerations for persons living with dementia, ways to mitigate risk, and take a look at the MDS data points for personal movement, life-space mobility and reimbursement potential.

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