17-04 - FROM ANNOYANCES TO CONFLICT: What might miscommunication be costing your organization?


APRIL 14, 2017

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APRIL 14, 2017

APRIL 14, 2017

GUEST SPEAKER: RAY RUSIN, Quality Training Associates, Certified Workplace Conflict Mediator, retired RI Survey Agency Director

Day-to-day petty annoyances are experienced by each of us and are a fact of life. Without a strategic focus on recognizing and dealing with natural annoyances early, many grow into costly conflict events negatively impacting residents’ quality of care and quality of life. We will discuss how ordinary annoyances interrupt the smooth operation of any organization, how to best prepare team members for coping with annoyances and ways to wisely handle any resulting conflicts. Find out what conflict may be costing your organization.

Pre-webinar prep work includes access to the Mediation Training Institute Cost of Conflict Tool which Ray will refer to. Link will be sent to you in confirmation email. You should enter in basic information regarding an actual conflict situation you are handling.

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Link to recording will be sent to you within 24 hours.