17-09 - WHAT LIVING LIKE A RESIDENT CAN TEACH LTC STAFF – The Power of Empathy to Transform Care


SEPTEMBER 15, 2017

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SEPTEMBER 15, 2017

SEPTEMBER 15, 2017

GUEST: LESLIE PEDTKE, LNHA, Educator for Quality Improvement, King Management Company

What happens when real caregivers become “real” residents? How will their experiences change how they think about being a resident? How will the care they provide to residents change in the future?

Through the Looking Glass is an experience developed at Aviston Countryside Manor in IL. Staff members move into the nursing home, live the role of real diagnoses and accept daily “challenges” residents experience every day.

From learning the importance of communicating more with residents to encouraging meaning and purpose, the resulting insights of these caregivers sensitized other staff members – new and veteran – to practical and effective ways to immediately improve daily care and life for residents.

Hear the incredible outcomes such as the now required Elder Shadowing - all newly-hired staff live with a resident for 24 hours before they are able to begin their new job - the Resident Hiring Committee and Pedkte's new book with the same title.

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