19-01 - Weaving the Eden Alternative Domains of Well-BeingSM into LIFE


JANUARY 18, 2019

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JANUARY 18, 2019

JANUARY 18, 2019

GUEST: Schlegel Villages of Canada Team

Schlegel Villages takes their culture change journey, initiated in 2010, very seriously. With three years of transformation work behind them, they began incorporating Eden Alternative's seven Domains of Well-Being into their organization in 2014. In this show, the Schlegel Villages team will share

  1. How they introduced the domains to the larger team

  2. How they use the domains

  3. Their ME form, and

  4. How they use the Wellbeing tool developed by Dr. Al Power, Eden Educator and Board Member.

Did you know the seven Domains of Well-Being made it into the new CMS regulations?

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