19-09 - The Validation® Method - Moving Beyond Therapeutic Lies and Redirection


SEPTEMBER 20, 2019

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SEPTEMBER 20, 2019

SEPTEMBER 20, 2019

HOST & PRESENTER: Carmen Bowman

Learn how the Validation® method developed by Naomi Feil gives a means for successfully communicating with persons with dementia, something desperately needed by them, their caregivers and family members. Validation replaces the outmoded and person-devaluing methods of redirection, diversion, reality orientation, and the therapeutic lie. Validation teaches how to “exquisitely listen,” empathize, “move into” the disoriented person’s world and validate feelings. Using Validation® boosts self-esteem, builds trust and rapport and often eliminates the person's need to live in the past by creating a warm and welcoming present. Learn about the basic Validation® techniques and the potential they hold to help persons living with dementia, even when there is a history of trauma.

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