19-10 - Shedding Light on Dementia for Family, Friends and Caregivers - Part 2


OCTOBER 18, 2019

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OCTOBER 18, 2019

OCTOBER 18, 2019

PART 2 of 3
Continuing the conversation on how we can stay in relationship, even when we must “give care” as a family member, friend or caregiver.


These are things that help any of us have a better moment, hour or day, and often help persons living with dementia feel heard, included, competent and less isolated. That can be huge!

We invite staff, families and friends of persons living with dementia to join us for this "illuminating" conversation. We'll discuss the five basic human needs: comfort, inclusion, identity, occupation and attachment, and how understanding those can help us be present and in relationship with persons living with dementia. We’ll also talk about simple communication techniques and approaches that have been shown to help ease agitation or confusion.

For this show, we encourage communities to invite family members and friends of your residents living with dementia, to join you for this webinar. Make it a party!

For those who support someone living at home with dementia, gather family and friends for this webinar.
As always, registration for the webinar allows you to attend the live show and/or to watch the recorded show. Learn at your convenience!

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Link to streaming pre-recorded webinar
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Link to recording will be sent to you within 24 hours.