20-05 - Leading Through COVID-19: Controlling Your Story During Crisis


MAY 15, 2020

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MAY 15, 2020

MAY 15, 2020

GUEST: Dr. Linda Shell, DNP, MA, RN

We are living in unprecedented times. The world as we know it is rapidly changing. Just a few short weeks ago, none of us would have dreamed we would be where we are today. We are navigating unknown waters with the COVID-19 virus. Research indicates that those with increased levels of resilience not only survive in such environments, but often THRIVE, resulting in increased work performance, job satisfaction and reduced turnover. Increased quality and customer satisfaction also correlate to higher levels of resilience. Dr. Shell will lead the conversation about the concept of resilience, providing practical tips for building resilience in both self and others… and learning to THRIVE!

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