21-01 - Offering Goal Setting, Organizing, Planning - Helping others be who they want to be in the New Year


JANUARY 15, 2021

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JANUARY 15, 2021

JANUARY 15, 2021

Guest: Lori Halbach, Square One Organizing

Join our exploration of new year’s topics for yourself and those you serve. Inquire about setting resolutions/goals/commitments and/or a word for the year. Offer organizing for those who want it. See practical ideas for small spaces. Recognize that we cannot label people as “hoarders” anymore; there is a kinder approach to go deeper with people to discover reasons for holding onto things – there are many. Learn facts about emotional clutter, chronic disorganization disorder and how to avoid inadvertently harming a person/triggering trauma. Learn what it means to give things away purposefully as well as purposeful keeping of items. Be reminded to not always tidy up everything if it holds purpose or offers meaningful engagement for an individual.

Approach the idea of helping others to do more planning for their future. Consider identifying dreams and/or a “bucket list” – intentionally talking about who they want to be in the new year. Learn how to have conversations about all of this.

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