June 21 - LIVE - On the Path: Influencing Our Culture by Involving Those We Serve


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Find out how "Mulligan, try again" gets residents involved in createing accountability for staff.


Action Pact’s Conversations of Culture Change with Carmen is in its 14th year. Join us on the third Friday afternoon of every month (except December) for an enlightening presentation and conversation.

Friday June 21, 1:00 pm Central Time

On the Path: Influencing Our Culture by Involving Those We Serve

Guests: The Education Action Team from St. Paul Elder Services in Kaukauna, WI

Hosted by Carmen Bowman MHS, BSW, Regulator turned Educator

As St. Paul’s Board and Leadership are planning and building their households, 100% of the associates are preparing for their move to households. This includes the serious work of studying the vision; practicing new skills; and involving residents and staff in a changing culture where the staff practice person-centered care and the residents direct their own lives. Together they shape a vibrant daily environment that will soon become household life. Guided by Action Pact, St. Paul formed a Steering Team that commissioned an Education Action Team (among other action teams). This team is becoming a powerful success story partly because they have involved the residents in their adventure. The Action Team is made up of people from throughout the organization. Join Carmen as she interviews this Team. 

Join us on Friday June 21 at 1:00 pm Central time, as The Action Team shares stories and video of their journey. 


During the upcoming 2024-2025 series called On the Path, Carmen will be hosting culture change leaders, teams and elders who are On the Path to Household Living - person-directed life at home.

Are you worried that your team has lost some of the creativity and boldness of vibrant living that dominated before 2020?

Do you find team members holding on to the anxieties of inadequate staffing? And even reluctant to plan together? Look around and make things happen again. Be with each other, have fun. Rekindle the love of home and each other. Be joyful, highly involved and reconnect with each other and the larger community. 


Carmen Bowman

Carmen owns Edu-Catering: Catering Education for Compliance and Culture Change turning her former role of regulator into educator. Carmen was a Colorado state surveyor for nine years, a policy analyst with CMS Central Office where she taught the national Basic Surveyor Course and was the first certified activity professional to be a surveyor. Carmen co-developed the Artifacts of Culture Change 2.0 measurement tool and is the author of several Action Pact workbooks.

Price: 49.00 USD

Additional Information: A link to the live webinar will be provided shortly after registration and purchase.