Creating the Climate
for Vibrant Living

Energize your household with new ideas for engaging, spontaneous daily life.

This workshop is based on the "Vibrant Living" scrapbook, co-authored by LaVrene Norton and Carmen Bowman, published by Action Pact. Both the workshop and the “scrapbook” are rich with an abundance of ideas for energizing household life.

Learn how household living unlocks independence and fosters interdependence. Home sets the stage for natural engagement: just start something, sing a song, bake a cake, and people come. This is normal. This is home. This is a vibrant daily life.  Households provide the opportunity for people to reclaim their lives and sit again in the driver’s seat. This workshop will provide you the opportunity to learn how to contribute to this good daily life for the people in your care.

The spirit and methodology will inspire you, whether you're in households, neighborhoods or even a traditional setting.  Learn to focus on transforming the institution into a homey and vibrant place where residents can experience daily life as they’ve always known it. Residents, back in the driver’s seat and with new resources, will once again experience meaning and purpose in life.


  • Introductions

  • Culture change has set the stage

  • Households bring the new standards to life

  • What is vibrant living?

  • The hallmarks of home

  • Understanding the challenge

  • Meaningful life

  • Tag 248

  • Life of the team means life in the house

  • Jazzing up daily home life

  • Resident in the driver’s seat

  • Q&A session

Continuing Education

The National Continuing Education Review Service (NCERS) of the National Association of Boards of Examiners of Long Term Care Administrators (NAB) has approved the above named program for 6 participant/credit hours.


Conflict: Fuel of Change


Critical Thinking Skills